

A Letter from the Principal

Hello, Just a quick word to share. Remember that we are a uniform school with white and dark (hunter) green tops (they don't have to be collared) as the standard. Black, khaki or navy blue bottoms, which include blue jeans in good condition, and NO open-toed shoes, NO flip-flops, and NO crocks allowed. Your children can dress freely(within District norms and expectations) on the last working Friday of the month.

Lunch with Your Child(ren)
Friday, January 17th-click for lunch times

Please come have lunch with your child(ren) on our outside bench seating. However, be mindful that only children and approved yard duty are allowed on the blacktop for lunch recess.  Thank you!

1st grade lunch begins at 10:35am
2nd grade lunch begins at 10:35am
3rd grade lunch begins at 11:30am
4th grade lunch begins at 11:35am
5th grade lunch begins at 12:05pm
6th grade lunch begins at 12:05pm