To report your student’s absence, please complete this
webform or call the office at (916) 395-4650.
Read each option thoroughly and select the reason that best
describes your student’s absence. Please note that office staff
may call to verify as necessary.
Allow 1-2 school days for attendance to be processed.
Mrs. Kelly Powell
SPED Instructional Aide-K/1 Split Class
Ms. Erna Harbison
SPED Instructional Aide-K/1 Split Class
Mrs. Staci Tolentino
TK Aide
Ms. Jennifer Harris
Noon Duty
Noon Duty
Mrs. Guadalupe Ramos
Night Custodian
Mr. Zachary Billingsly
Mrs. Lisa Sumitani
RSP Aide
Mrs. Amanda Kossow
Office Manager
Ms. Jennifer Harris
Office Clerk
Ms. Jennelene Chua
Cafeteria Lead
Mrs. Phyllis Won
Library-Media Tech
Ms. Samantha Cowley
Mrs. Tracy Johnson
Miss Yoselin Rebollo-Esquivel
Bilingual Instructional Aide
Mrs. Patricia Benoit
Daycare Center-Primary Grades
Ms. Jill Sutter
Daycare Center-Intermediate Grades
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