

A Letter from the Principal

Hello, Just a quick word to share. The 24-25 School Year Academic Calendar has been approved. It is located on the District's website and on the front page of this website. Check it out and get ready for a fabulous school year!

Matsuyama Band-Interest Mtg
Monday, September 9th @ 6PM on ZOOM

If you’re interested in having your 5th or 6th grader join our after school band class, please join Mr. Hammond online on ZOOM Monday, Sept. 9th @ 6PM

ZOOM ID:  419 273 3408

Password: band


Lunch with Your Child(ren)
Friday, September 20th

Please come have lunch with your child(ren) on our outside bench seating. However, be mindful that only children and approved yard duty are allowed on the blacktop for lunch recess.  Thank you!

1st grade lunch begins at 10:35am
2nd grade lunch begins at 10:35am
3rd grade lunch begins at 11:30am
4th grade lunch begins at 11:35am
5th grade lunch begins at 12:05pm
6th grade lunch begins at 12:05pm