
Welcome From the Principal


I am very pleased to have been selected as your new site leader since the 2022-2023 school year! There is a lot that I would love to learn from each and every one of you.

My name is Eugene A. Stovall IV and I have been serving children in communities of education for almost 20 years. I received my bachelor of Arts from San Francisco State University, then moved to Baltimore Maryland where I taught 1st, 2nd, and 6th-8th grade students. While in Baltimore, I received my Masters in Education from Johns Hopkins University. 

I returned to Oakland California in the summer of 2011 and served children in Oakland for 11 years, 5 years teaching 6th grade students English language arts and my other 6 years as an administrator; 2 years as an assistant principal at a middle school and the other 4 years, I was the site leader for an elementary school. 

I truly believe that whatever one chooses to achieve in their lives they need to do so with love in their hearts. I hope to bring and share more love with our Matsuyama family! I look forward to meeting with you all very soon! Take care!